⑨ ベンジャミン・フルフォード 5月20日2012年 質疑応答


Queen ELizardbeth
Queen Elizabeth Deutsches Reich
– Herzogtum Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (Grosses)
Sachsen Coburg Gotha
Sax Coburg Gotha
House of Windsor
House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

伏見宮博明王 – Wikipedia

P&G is Located next to Yamaguchi Gumi Crime Syndicate HQ in Kobe

Pusan is the new Final Financial Hub, HQ in Asia,
They want all Japanese, the obedient Japanese to escape from Japan,
Go to China and run the Chinese, and have the hub in Pusan.
One of their new plan for Asia.

Benjamin Fulford is a descendant of Hollander:
Hollander is of Ashkenazic Jewish origin or German Jew.

Shiramine might be responsible for the noise heard there at the lecture 5-22-2012
Shiramine is a Ninja who taught Bujutsu, Asian Martial Arts to Rockefeller and
U.S. Armies. Ben thinks he is a CIA Agent.